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Joachim Spieth - Evaporate


Joachim Spieth graced us with an isolatedmix last year, diving into ambient and deep techno - a form that many of us have known him by since the very early Kompakt Pop Ambient releases.

Since then, Joachim has invested time in his own label, Affin Records, slowly curating a solid line-up of techno artists, including some of Markus Guentner's earliest releases, as well as becoming an outlet for his techno-oriented releases. It's of no surprise then, to see a Joachim release on Affin, but this one's a little special.

A new two track EP, Evaporate covers the split sides of Joachim we love the most. Immersive, organic textures, with one side peppered in driving, ear-rattling deep techno, a-la Donato Dozzy, Luigi Tozzi etc and the other finding itself lost amongst the complex birdsong of a mysterious, dense forest; the kind you'll find ASC orchestrating, or even Dozzy's deeper project, Voices From The Lake.  

Joachim's roots in ambient music are clearly evident throughout and it's his respect for these deep textures that creates this solid slice of hypnotic techno music, and a must own 12".

Available on Bandcamp.


isolatedmix 58 - Joachim Spieth


In 2001, the very first Pop Ambient compilation was released by Kompakt.

Track one; You Don't Fool Me. It was a sound that had me hooked from the very start, amongst a series that still reigns supreme today.

Joachim Spieth had the pleasure of kicking off the legendary series but is yet to return, unlike many other Pop Ambient artists gracing more recent compilations. Instead, Joachim focused on producing techno, going on to release across Kompakt and in 2008 establishing his very own label, Affin.

The label has grown to become one of the most respected outputs for minimal, techno, and indeed ambient music, playing host to two Markus Guentner releases; Counting Stars (2008) and Crystal Castle (2009) as well as fellow Pop Ambient contributor Gustavo Lamasand many more cultivated artists from the mind of Joachim.

With such an esteemed background and deep interest in ambient music I invited Joachim to contribute to the isolatedmix series without any expectations of the sound he would put forward. As you'll hear, Joachim's gone back to his early ambient days, with a well-balanced respect for techno throughout. The dubby presence of Echospace Detroit plays an integral part and he's even been so kind to include one of Markus Guentner's ASIP tracks. 

It's also the shortest track list we've ever played host-to in the series, but with names such as Brock Van Wey and Echospace gracing the list, you can be sure this thing has enough depth to keep you submersed for years. 




01. Model 500 - Starlight (Intrusion Extended Dub) Echospace Detroit
02. Claudio PRC - From The Nebular Stars to The Mosses on The Granite Rocks - 06 Plantae - The Gods Planet
03. Markus Guentner - Limb - A Strangely Isolated Place
04. Brock Van Wey - Forever A Stranger - Echospace Detroit
05. Intrusion - Static Waves - Echospace Detroit

Tracknotes from Joachim:

Model 500 - Starlight (Intrusion Extended Dub) 
It’s an all-time favorite of mine. The original version touched me so much when I got into electronic music.. and years after I fell on this extended dub .... amazing... could be 20 min longer ...

Claudio PRC - From The Nebular Stars to The Mosses on The Granite Rocks - 06 Plantae
his is part of an installation at Botanischer Garten in Berlin. I was there when it happened. It was an amazing atmosphere... You can find the whole album as a free download on The Gods Planets Bandcamp shop...

Markus Guentner - Limb [available here]
Markus is a master of layering sounds... since our early Kompakt days I love his music.

Brock Van Wey - Forever A Stranger voices of love...

Intrusion - Static Waves
Intrusion, another tune that should never end....


Joachim Spieth | Web | Affin