An expressive soul that channels his feelings through music, often the subject of those he surrounds himself with, bvdub is well known to many of us by now for his emotive and open approach to his productions.
He'll bunker down for weeks on end, to surprise us with another extensive insight into his world, evolving from his last, and keeping us guessing as to what's next.
Brock's latest release, A Thousand Words, is his longest and largest work to date - one continuous piece that features nineteen movements, five-hundred audio channels, performed live in one take. And yep, you guessed it, is an ode to his beloved ones.
“Whatever form they take, don’t forget those who are there for you every day - and take a moment each day to be there for them. You don’t have to speak, but simply being there can mean a thousand words.”
Beginning with a wall of deep chords and static, A Thousand Words soon rises into lighter more melodic, piano pieces. Courageous waves of synths soar amongst the contrasting lows of melancholy - the ups and downs of a reflective journey we can only begin to imagine - and one we've come to learn and respect from Brock's work.
Brock prides himself on the rawness of his sound, avoiding things that sound too polished, and you can hear that throughout the many drifting movements, as the static and orchestral chords seep through every open pore, in an unavoidable and purposeful wall of sound. This is Brock with his hood up, hunched over his laptop, crafting a journey deep from the heart.
A Thousand Words is available on Bandcamp with $3 from every sale going towards rescue centers that encourage children to read to cats every day after school.